089 – SHUFFLE: Politic, Bullshit and Rock’n’Roll

StillPolitic, Bullshit and Rock’n’Roll
Kosov@ 2005
Dauer: 43 Minuten

Regie: Ylber Mehmedalik, Edon Rizvanolli
e-mail: ylber_m< at >yahoo.com

ProduzentInnen und Produktion: Ylber Mehmedalik, Edon Rizvanolli edonr< at >hotmail.com
Koproduktion: Deebeeduss Systems

Five years after the NATO-led capaign against Yugoslav Army Troops, six alternative music bands from Kosova give their reactions to life in th eUN-administrated province in which lack of jobs, povertry, corruption, political instability, and incosistent electricity and water upply have become daily norms.
The members of these bands, whose musical style ranges from rebellious punk to lyrical pop, reflect on th erise of the nationalistic “Turbo Folk” music, wheter as musicians they could have done anything to stop the ethnic clashes of March 2004 in which 17 albanians and 3 Serbs died, and whether any of them might one day make it onto MTV. As the documentary ahuffles from one band to th eother, from one question to the next, it gives the viewer a chance to get to know a small piece of the Kosovar social puzzle.

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